Traverse How It Works
Traverse is displayed as a spreadsheet showing the From Point, Bearing, Distance and To Point. You can edit and change any value in the traverse by typing in a new value into the grid cell.
Note: The Functions are available on the Context menu - Right Click the mouse.
Insert Row
This will insert a new row into the traverse in front of the current row.
Delete Row
This will delete thecurrent row from the traverse. Careful! There is no Undelete.
Reverse Bearing
This will reverse the bearing value on the current row.
Calc Misclose
Will force calculation of all points except first and last point. It will use the bearings and distances. It will display the cumulative brg/dist error between calculated end point and real end point.
Bowditch Adjustment
Compute a Bowditch Adjustment using the traverse data, the misclose will be displayed and the points will be adjusted to accommodate the adjusted values.
Compute Points (no Adj)
Compute the point using the enteredbearings and distances. No adjustment is applied.
Display the Admin menu.
Print Traverse
Prints the traverse to a file.
Data Entry Notes:
You can also click on point/lines on the main screen and some data will be extracted and inserted into the traverse grid. What happens depends on what grid cell you are on in the traverse and what you click on in the main screen.
If you Click on main screen.
If cursor is on brg field
- if clicked on a line - insert brg from line,
- if clicked near one end of line, take brg from that point
If cursor on a distance field
- if clicked on a line - insert distance of line segment
If cursor on a ToPt field, and ToPt is empty
- insert brg, dist to the ground co-ords of clicked posn
- compute and insert new point, auto move to next line
Angles Mode
There is an extra display field enabled 'closing brg'
Click on main screen.
If cursor is on closing brg field
- if clicked on a line - insert brg from line,
If cursor is on brg field
- if clicked on a line - insert brg from line, (display angle)
- if clicked near one end of line, take brg from that point
If cursor on a distance field
- if clicked on a line - insert distance of line segment
If cursor on a ToPt field, and ToPt is empty
- insert brg(angle), dist to the ground co-ords of clicked posn
- compute and insert new point, auto move to next line